We welcome you to participate -- please call Fr. Jim at 412-531-2135, or email [email protected] if you are interested in serving our faith community through any of these Liturgical Ministries. Training and Clearances are required for all parish volunter activities.
Reader at Mass– Serve your parish as a Reader at Mass and you will have the privilege to proclaim the First and Second Readings, Announcements and Prayers of the Faithful at Mass.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion – Help the priest celebrant distribute the Body and Blood of Jesus Our Lord at the Mass. Contact the parish for more information. A person must be at least 18 years old to be an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist.
Altar Servers – Serve your parish community by assisting the priest during Mass. Altar servers can be children or adults.
Music Ministries & Choir We need women and men of any age to join us in praising God with our music. Exercise at choir practice to increase your spiritual as well as vocal parameters.We sing sacred music of many genres: traditional, contemporary, and gospel.