Please see Home Page for Mass Times and Reconciliation Schedule.
Additional Times for Reconciliation in English or Spanish may be made by appointment. Please call the Parish Office at 412-531-2135
We are overjoyed to welcome your child/you into the family of God through the Sacrament of Baptism! A Baptism preparation session is required. If this is your first child to be baptized, you are required to attend a Pre-Baptism Class. Please call the parish office at 412-531-2135 to make arrangements.
Congratulations! We are looking forward to celebrating your special day with you. The greatest thing you can do to prepare for the Sacrament of Marriage is to prepare spiritually, and so it is required that you meet with a priest at least six months before your wedding date. Please call the parish to make arrangements. The Diocese of Pittsburgh offers valuable pre-marriage classes. Here is a link
Please contact the Parish Office at 412-531-2135 to schedule an annointing prior to surgery of if you or a loved one are ill. If rapid response is required, and the Parish Office is closed, please be sure to follow the directions on the answering machine to leave a message with one of the priests.
HOSPITALIZED PARISHIONERS AND SHUT-INS – Please call the parish office at 412-531-2135 if someone in your family is hospitalized or shut-in. If a parishioner is not able to attend Mass, the priest and/or Eucharistic Ministers can bring Communion to the home.